The 15 Best Male Striptease Scenes Before ‘Magic Mike XXL’ Jumped On Stage
The scent of baby oil and warm wine cooler fills the air. Shrieks, moans and giggles ring out as leather chaps squeak and bass-heavy, suggestive pop tunes grind forth from giant speakers. Lights flash; the air is thick with a two-way traffic of undergarments. Yes, “Magic Mike XXL” (our review is here) is coming to town, which is either a cause for celebration, indifference or insecurity depending on your gender, sexuality and general worldview. It’s not the kind of thing we usually attempt, but to cater to those who just can’t wait to see a little taut, rippling man-meat on display, or for those who are merely strip-curious, we thought we’d herald the arrival of the Channing Tatum-starring sequel to the Channing Tatum-starring original “Magic Mike,” by investigating —from a purely academic standpoint, of course!— the phenomenon of male strippers in the movies.